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Stand Out Socks

A wide range of socks for adults and children.

Logo with Stand Out written on a white background inside a rectangular box with rounded edges

Who they are

Inspired by co-founder Ross, a remarkable man with Down Syndrome who isn’t afraid to STAND OUT in a crowd, Stand Out Socks launched in 2021. 

Like many people with learning disabilities, Ross faced significant hurdles in finding employment after leaving school. He encountered challenges in securing meaningful paid employment upon leaving the education system and when  2020 brought the upheaval of the Covid pandemic, placing people with Down Syndrome at heightened risk on the Covid-19 vulnerable list, Ross found himself shielding from the outside world.

Secluded for a span of 12 months, with only his parents for companionship, this extended period of isolation took a toll on his self-assurance and self-reliance. In the year 2021, following his vaccination, Ross regained the opportunity to form a family bubble alongside his brother Christian and to re-engage with the world outside, Ross joined Christian in the family business, after years of frustration and rejection, Stand Out Socks was founded to offer him a fulfilling and meaningful job.

This collaboration sparked the idea of embarking on a business venture and together these two brothers have been able to extend job opportunities to others with learning disabilities. Given its symbolic significance, the choice of socks was an organic one for the inception of our company.

Individuals with Down Syndrome are born with an additional chromosome, which visually resembles a miniature sock under the microscope; it felt fitting to centre our enterprise around this metaphor. In the month of October 2021, aligning with the Down Syndrome Awareness Month, the curtains were raised on Stand Out Socks—a testament to the resilience and determination of these two brothers.

What they sell

There is a wide selection of fantastic designs for adults or children. Pairs cost £9.95 for adults or £4.95 for kids. Other great options are a subscription option where you get 3 new pairs every 3 months.

Visit the Stand Out Socks website

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Socks show the logo at the top and are coloueed dark blue, pale tuquoise, mustard yellow and pink in a wavy squiggle designA smiling man with down syndrome on a purple pink circle background holds up the socks holds one in each hand A child wears blue socks with a cloud design and sandals sitting on a bench amongst grassy areaMan with down syndrome in black t shirt shows open box with socks bundleSocks with blue, yellow, red white and cream checks with a dragon designMan with down syndrome in orange hoodie holds up socks in each hand in pale grey with a crocodile pattern