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Sense-ational You

A sensory-friendly based on the special needs of autistic children.

Logo on black with orange flower an sensational in bright blue and you in white

Who they are

Founded by Julia DeNey after she graduating in Fashion Design this fashion brand recognised that the clothing market has long ignored the large group of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder, Sense-ational You aims to bring recognition and acceptance of this group into the fashion industry and to help all children feel safe, heard, and included everywhere they go through clothing that helps them regulate.

Julia established and ran a volunteer partnership with a local autism preschool this lead to her passion for fashion studies based on the special needs of autistic children. While developing the product and growing Sense-ational You, Julia worked as a special education para in autism classrooms for three years. During this time, she got to work hands-on with autistic children,therapists and teachers who would be integrating the clothes into the school days and recommending these products to parents. 

What they sell

Sense-ational sells a range of Outerwear tops and joggers as well as selling bundle packs. Their sensory tops come in 3 lovely colours and a range of sizes and are £28 for Children. The sensory hoodie is also available in a sound reducing option in 3 colours which costs £40

Whilst they focus on sensory clothing for children they also sell a small range of adults sizes and are coming soon.

Visit the Sense-ational You website

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mother and son wearing a grey hoodieInfographic showing design functions Boy in grey joggers nd yellow and whit t shirt at a play centreBoy wears grey sound reducing hoodie with inner eye mask