Intotum fashion
An adaptive clothing brand for men and women.

Who they are
Taken from Latin, meaning all together or as one, Intotum has been known to mean 'Unbroken'. Inspired by the story of Founder Hannah’s grandfather, Intotum strives to make clothing that can empower the disabled community, through choice and representation.
Hannah’s grandfather was a well-dressed man who had to adapt to life with a necessary stoma and urostomy bag following his battle with cancer. Due to it’s positioning and the discomfort it caused him, comfort and style no longer a choice and he resigned himself to wearing baggy sweatpants. This made him self-conscious of how others may perceive him and he became more reclusive.
This was something Hannah saw as an easy fix but it proved difficult to find adaptive clothing that is comfortable and works with disability. With key values of function, fashion and comfort their products are designed for wheelchair users and those with stomas as well as those who have other disabilities.
What they sell
Intotum sell adaptive clothing for men and women starting as low as £4.50 for a garment bag and their t shirts with popper fastenings are £45 for a short sleeve t shirt and £60 for a long sleeve t shirt.
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